The SE-330AU is an advanced earth-fault and earthing-resistor monitoring relay for low- and medium-voltage transformers and generators. It monitors neutral current, neutral-to-earth voltage, and neutral-to-earth resistance. It provides continuous monitoring of the neutral-to-earth path to verify that the neutral earthing resistor (NER) is intact. This is of utmost importance— an open NER renders current-sensing earth-fault protection inoperative and could result in a false belief that the system is functioning properly. The SE-330AU earth-fault function complies with AS/NZS 2081.3:2002. Outputs include four relay outputs, and an analog output. A mini USB port is included to view measured values, configure settings, and check event records. An on-board micro SD card can be used for long-term data logging. Network communications options are available. For non-AS/NZS 2081 applications, see the SE-330 or SE-330HV.
Why Neutral Earth Resistors Need Continuous Monitoring
A resistance grounded power system has a critical element that is often ignored - the neutral earth resistor. Resistance grounded power system should have it's neutral earth resistor continuously monitored.
Resistor Monitoring
The SE-330AU combines the measured values of resistance, current, and voltage to continuously determine that the NER is intact. It is able to detect a resistor failure with or without an earth fault present. Sensing resistors are matched to the system voltage and are used to monitor NGRs on systems up to 35 kV.
Earth-Fault Monitoring
The SE-330AU uses a 5- or 30-A-primary current transformer to provide a pickup-setting range of 0.125 to 5 A or 0.75 to 30 A to comply with AS/NZS 2081.3:2002. DFT filtering ensures that false trips due to harmonic noise from adjustable-speed drives do not occur. Open-CT detection is provided.
How to monitor NER integrity
Case Study
An oil drilling company, based in Calgary, Alberta, builds and operates oil and natural gas drilling rigs that are used all over North America. The company was experiencing an average of about one ground fault per month per rig.
Read the case study
Datasheets & Manuals
SE-330AU Datasheet
SE-330AU Manual
SE-330 DeviceNet Interface Manual
SE-330 EthernetIP Interface Manual
White Paper - Neutral Earthing Resistor Monitoring
White paper - Why Neutral Earth Resistors Need Continuous Monitoring
Protection Relays Line Card